St. George-Grosvenor Neighbourhood Association (SGGNA)

A member of the Urban League of London


The St. George-Grosvenor Neighbourhood has long been identified as an area of outstanding architectural, historical and natural characteristics that are linked through a history dominated by residences, institutions, and Gibbons Park.

Institutions such as Huron College, Matthews Hall and Western Fair District all had origins in the St. George-Grosvenor Neighbourhood and some, such as St. Josephs Health Care and Mount Hope Centre for Long Term Care, continue to maintain a presence in the area to this day.

In 1926, the City of London acquired a gift of substantial park land in honour of a worthy local family; Londoners from across the City have been enjoying Gibbons Park ever since. Originally consisting of about 13 acres, the City has continued to add additional lands to the park until in 1964 the area had grown to 60 acres. It was at that time the third largest park in London after Springbank Park and the Thames Valley Golf Course.

Our History

(SGGNA) was formed in 1980 as a non-profit, member-run, volunteer organization dedicated to:

  • Retaining the residential nature and composition of the neighbourhood;
  • Conserving its inherent beauty and character;
  • Preserving its historical importance within Old North London;
  • Representing the common interests of its residents.

SGGNA has continually reached out to residents of the neighbourhood, the Civic Administration of the City of London and property developers by responding to issues such as:

  • Redevelopment of the Grosvenor Gate lands;
  • Expansion of the St. Joseph Health Care facilities;
  • Efforts to re-purpose housing stock on Richmond Street;
  • Housing intensification proposals;
  • Heritage Conservation District studies;
  • Land severances and site plan approvals;
  • Ensuring inclusion of the 1985 St. George-Grosvenor Area Study policies in the London Plan.

Our Purpose

The purpose of the Association is to:

  • To be non-partisan and inclusive;
  • To promote a strong, liveable community and empower residents of the neighbourhood through community involvement;
  • To be a forum and an opportunity for residents to be involved with preserving and improving the area’s present characteristics as a liveable neighbourhood;
  • To consider all subjects tending to promote the welfare of the area and to preserve and improve its present characteristics;
  • To consider, recommend, and promote such legislative, municipal and other measures as may be deemed wise and expedient to the long-term interests of the area;
  • To be a credible, powerful, and representative voice for the area, neighbourhood and community.



Membership in the SGGNA is open to all residents of the neighbourhood who support the vision, goals and ideals of the Association. Residents who are not already members are invited to join and support its endeavours. Membership for 1 year is only $20 per household and enables the Association to keep the community informed via e-newsletters and website, deal with community issues and be a part of the Urban League of London.

Conditions of Membership

  • To qualify for membership, one must be at least 18 years of age and either live in or own residential property within the Association boundaries as defined in the Constitution of the Association.
  • Payment of the household membership fee entitles each immediate family member who is at least 18 years of age and residing full time at the address given to membership in the SGGN.
  • Any and all other conditions as specified in the Constitution & Bylaws of the SGGNA.


  Contact us to join!




SGGNA Boundaries

The St. George-Grosvenor Neighbourhood boundaries, as defined in the City of London Official Plan, extend from Victoria Street on the north, Waterloo Street on the east, Oxford Street on the south and Thames River on the west.

Association Boundaries


SGGNA constitution

SGGNA bylaws




News Items

Current Issues



193–199 College Street

This property consists of four cottages owned by York Developments, who are applying to demolish and build a 6-story (North Side) 4-story (South Side), 43-unit apartment building. The Planning Staff Report recommended against the application, but Planning and Environment Committee (PEC) members voted 4–1 to disregard the staff’s report and recommend Council accept York's plan. Council will meet on June 4th to vote on PEC's recommendation.




The SGGNA held its 2024 annual general meeting on May 29th, 2024 where it elected an Executive Committee responsible for the ongoing operation of the Association and which is entrusted to make decisions on behalf of the Association between meetings of the general membership.

This year's Minutes will be available mid-June, 2024


Get in Touch

Comments and questions are welcome. If you would like to join SGGNA, fill out the form on our CONTACT page.